What should we learn from Amber alert story?

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By Maria B

It has been 20 Years And The Amber Behind The AMBER Alert Has Still Not Found Justice !
AMBER stands for America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response. The AMBER alert System found its way back in 1996 when Dallas-Fort Worth broadcasters joined hands with local police to build up an early cautioning framework to discover abducted kids. Their endeavors were prodded by the capturing of the nine-year-old Amber Hagerman from Arlington, Texas, who was kidnapped while riding her bike and after that severely killed.

Amber Alert system

Different states groups and communities shortly started setting up their own AMBER arrangements as the thought was embraced throughout the country. Law implementation authorities trusted that cautioning people in general to kidnapped kids as fast as could reasonably be expected, would bring about their protected return most of the time. We can not deny the fact that, as of December 23, 2015 there have been 800 kids retrieved and returned particularly in light of AMBER Alert. Amber Alerts likewise serve as obstacles to the individuals who might go after our youngsters.

Despite of the various success stories that the AMBER Alert System shares with us, it is an irony that still the founder of this system, ‘The Amber Behind The AMBER Alert’ is holding up justice..
Few things that we can learn from the AMBER Alert story are,
-Judging by the case of Hailey Owen another victim, to whom, AMBER Alert failed to provide assistance due to broken system, AMBER Alert ought to be a nearby, not statewide framework since kidnapping is a local offence. Had the AMBER Alert been issued inside minutes, not hours of Hailey’s snatching, she might just be alive today. Obviously, in the most edgy cases like Hailey Owens, time is of the quintessence.
-If we really need the desired results from the AMBER Alert System one factor should be kept in mind and NEED to be worked on, that most captured kids who in the end wind up killed, will be killed inside three hours of their snatching. However, ironically, AMBER Alerts are infrequently issued inside that basic window. It requires investment for the powers to start thinking responsibly, and when the caution goes out, it is regularly past the point where it is possible to have any effect !
Let’s just hope that Amber will find justice just like Lisa Bonham, who was 6 years of age, was kidnapped from Reno, Nevada in 1977. Her case went cool for a long time before her homicide was explained. It was unexpected that anybody would be captured, yet now her killer is serving a lifelong incarceration.

Yet we still can’t deny that the Amber Alert system has had its triumphs but it is time we need an improved system for our children’s safety !