Why The Psychology of Color is more Important than you think!

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By Maria B

Have you ever noticed that a person getting angry might be wearing red? Do you know that the logos of different brands have a certain color to have an impact on you? Well, color psychology apart from being the hot topic has real connections to one’s daily life.

Color psychology was brought under concentration when first time in 1666 AD, the famous English Scientist Isaac Newton performed an experiment by passing white light though a prism. The white light separated into all of the visible colors. Every color had a certain wavelength and could not be separated into any further colors. Moreover, colors can also be combined to form other new colors like red, yellow will give orange, and blue and yellow will give green etc.
The colors are said to effect moods and behaviors of people, the marketing strategies of brands, food and much more.

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 Colors and Moods
The kind of color you are wearing and the colors of the environment you are sitting in, all tend to affect your mood. For example, the color white is considered a symbol of peace and cleanliness. Therefore, wearing white brings calmness and purity to your soul. Alternatively, the warm colors say, red, yellow, orange bring feelings varying from rage and warmth to comfort and hostility. The colors in the blue spectrum of colors; blue, purple, green are considered to be the cool colors. Likewise, they bring you peace but can also lead to feelings like sadness or sympathy. Apart from this, the modern research has shown that effects of colors on mood may only be temporary but again, they do exist.
However, living in this world of different cultures, every culture thinks of a specific color differently. While, white is a color used to celebrate happiness in some cultures, it specifies mourning in others. Your feelings about a color may be rooted to your society in that way.
Chromotherapy (The use of colors to heal)
Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used this therapy to cure their diseases. Chromotherapy is also known as light therapy and colorology and still practiced as an alternative treatment. The colors were used for various purposes as mentioned below:
  • Red was utilized to invigorate the body and mind and to build circulation.
  • Yellow was thought to animate the nerves and purify the body.
  • Orange was utilized to recover the lungs and to build vitality levels.
  • Blue was accepted to alleviate diseases and treat pain.
  • Indigo shades were thought to ease skin issues.
Color and Marketing
Yes, the color psychology is used by various brands you see every day. Different colors differently influence your moods and this is where the brand marketers catch you. So yeah, the zest in you after seeing the McDonalds logo and your kindled appetite has a lot to do with the logo’s high-energy colors; yellow and red. It really is scary to think how the food chain wouldn’t have been so big with the use of black color. Likewise, by using the green shows Starbucks wants to provide a sense of relaxation in their cafes.

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Let’s have a look at other things. If you have an information-intensive website, using dark colored theme would help the users process your data easily. The red logo of YouTube builds up interest in you, the very moment you see that social media app.
Colors and Performance
 Researches have proven that many colors have certain effects on your performance. The US carried out a research in which it gave certain colored numbers to the students of 71 colleges. The students assigned red color scored about 20% less than the students with other two colors; green and yellow. Evidently, seeing the color red before your exam can have a bad impact on your performance. This proves that the reason the color red often gave dangerous vibes was indeed factual.
Color Choices
The colors you like to the ever day choices in colors you make speak out a lot about your personality. For instance, you are buying a new car. You are more likely to select a white one if you are in your early forties due to the comfort and peace it brings to soul. A youngster with lots of enthusiasm will probably buy a black colored car. Here’s what colors actually portray:

  • White:The color white can feel new and clean. The shading is frequently used to portray a feeling of youth and innovation.
  • Dark:Dark is frequently portrayed as an “incredible” color, which maybe the motivation behind why dark is the most well-known shading for extravagance vehicles. Individuals frequently portray the shading as incredible, baffling, and even dismal.
  • Silver: It’s the third most well-known color for vehicles and connected to a feeling of development and advancement. Innovative items are frequently silver, so the shading is regularly connected to things that are new, present day, and bleeding edge.
  • Red:Dreaming of a red vehicle? Red is a striking, eye-catching shading, so inclining toward this sort of vehicle may mean you need to extend a picture of intensity, activity, and certainty.
  • Blue: People frequently describe blue as the shade of dependability and security. Driving a blue vehicle may demonstrate that you are reliable and dependable.
  • Yellow: According to the specialists, driving a yellow vehicle may imply that you are an upbeat individual and maybe more ready than the normal individual to go out on an adventurous ride.
  • Grey:The specialists propose that individuals who drive dark autos would prefer not to stick out and rather lean toward something more inconspicuous.
    This says a lot about how these colors are influencing our daily lives with us having the least idea of it. Specialists have discovered that while color can have an impact on how we feel and act, these impacts are liable to individual, social, and situational factors. However, further studies would reveal more mesmerizing effects of colors.